Patent and Trademark Resource Center

Howard University PTRC

Patenting an invention and trademarking a product name can be challenging. PTRC library staff are information experts trained on how to use search tools to access patent and trademark information. They provide the human touch that no webpage or legal book can provide in helping inventors and small businesses find the information they need to protect their intellectual property.

Patent and trademark resource center

PTRC Services


The Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) cultivates creativity and innovation through instructional classes on inventing and securing a patent.


If you have a business idea, name for a product, or have already opened up your startup, you are ready for the trademark, which the PTRC can assist with.


There are elements that we produce that we naturally own, and those that need to be registered with the Copyright Office. Which one do you have? Find out by visiting the Patent & Trademark Resource Center (PTRC)

David Kappos

Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO

PTRCs serve as the face of the USPTO in local communities and promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship that ensures that potential filers have the local resources necessary to draw on for support as they begin their quest for commercial success with their intellectual property.

Business Insurance and Risk Management

Arthur Slade, Insurance Operations Specialist with the Department of Insurance Securities and Banking, and Felicia Thorpe, Risk Consultant with AHT Insurance, speak at the Business Insurance and Risk Management | WDCEP Entrepreneur Road Map.

Locations By State

The School of Business Library at Howard University is one of 85 Federal Patent and Trademark Resource Centers nationwide. We value our status as a PTRC because we are a rich, local resource for small businesses, research and development firms, our University laboratories, and independent inventors.

More on Locations